TeamNL@work: working on a career after top-level sport

Top athletes are committed to fulfilling their ambitions and achieving the highest levels they can. But there is more to life. There is also life after sport.

With a practical programme developed by TeamNL@work Sport Marketing and Media, we can meet the needs of those athletes. The programme offers professional athletes (including those who have recently retired from professional sport) the opportunity to develop further, helping facilitate their smooth transition to a new career. With the support of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and under the supervision of Triple Double, they get to know the sports marketing profession. This also enables them to work on their own positioning and identity, with a view to developing a career alongside or after retiring from top-level sport.

‘It is important to us that professional athletes are aware of the fact that top-level sport is a temporary profession. Together with TeamNL@ work, we support the athletes and facilitate their transition to the labour market.’

— Marjolein Miltenbrug, Project lead at TeamNL Athlete Services

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